Annex A: Summary of work undertaken in relation to the Age Friendly York project
This Annex provides an outline of some of the work done through Age Friendly York:
Ø Completed Your (leisure) time Baseline Assessment
Ø Completed Your (employment) time Baseline Assessment
Ø Completed Your Information Baseline Assessment
Ø Created and analysed views against the above domains.
Ø Completed and signed of a range of action points marked as completed on the Action Plan
Ø The Getting Out and About survey told us that older people like to go into the city centre but they need to be able to sit down and they needed more access to toilets. Age Friendly York partnered with Home Instead to launch Take A Seat+ in March 2022. Already there are 35 businesses signed up.
Ø Age Friendly York worked in partnership with Goodgym York to run, walk or cycle every street of York to update the Councils street map layer of the benches within the outer ring road. Seats indicated whether they were Age Friendly (had a back and arms) and where new location for benches were proposed.
Ø Age Friendly York launched Happy To Chat providing the opportunity for people to have a conversation with someone on a bench.
Ø Age Friendly York have provided a membership option to keep people up to date with progress and an opportunity for older people to get involved. There are now 135 members.
Ø Age Friendly York provided a supporting statement for Changing Places funding which was successful – press release 6th April 2022
Ø Attended YOPA information fair and various other community opportunities to continue to widen the reach to ensure all older people have a voice.
Ø Provided support for the City Centre Disabled Access information page on the City of York Council website with utilising two of the Age Friendly initiatives with the printable map
Ø Raised awareness of how to report a raised paving to reduce the risk of falls
Ø Raised awareness of scams including a personal story from a citizen and requesting a staying safe online page on Live Well York. Which led to the police becoming a partner.
Ø Age Friendly York provided the opportunity for an all age approach to giving a citizen voice to make green spaces more accessible. This was done in partnership with York Disability Rights Forum and Children’s Services with buy in from the parks and leisure team in the Council.
Ø An Age Friendly Citizen Group member joined York Walk to ensure there was a joined up citizen approach for priorities and understanding of what other citizen groups were focusing on.
Ø Engaged with a wide range of impacts with older people including: feeling safe; air pollution; accessibility of venues; physical activity; social isolation; cultural wellbeing; completing the census and much more.
Future planning:
Ø Continue to progress any outstanding actions
Ø To look to working in partnership with Be Independent so that any conversations around returning home from hospital can pick up on any trip hazards in addition to them currently identifying any telecare needs.
Ø Look to increase the awareness of social solutions and support through a flyer within Our City. Your Service recent findings indicate that older people want a one stop shop. This service is already commissioned through Age UK First Call so increasing awareness to those that do not access the internet is vital.